Baby Gear Must Haves for Parents who aren’t gear heards

We’re about 5 weeks from the scheduled arrival of our twin boys and I have a double dose of nesting. I also have a tight wallet, a strong aversion to all things that resemble a baby shower, and a hint of bitterness that I need so many things despite already having one child.

I would like to be completely prepared by the start of my 34th week (superstition – if I’m prepared I won’t go into labour early, if i’m not I will 😛    )  But getting prepared for twins is worse than getting prepared for your first baby – you have no idea what to expect, but you have a feeling that you should.

The lists online are no help for us. They are 100% for the kind of people who want to take up tennis and go out shopping for the perfect tennis ball holder. I need a list for parents that aren’t gear heads – the ones who aren’t planning on having more kids and balk at the idea of a diaper wipe warmer.

Here is what I’ve come up with – remember that this is a twin shopping list, but with some simple division it can apply to one!


  • Stroller. We don’t drive and we need the stroller to fit 3. This means breaking some safety rules, but we’ve found a great one. It’s one of the most expensive things in our home, but next to the beds it’s also the most used.
  • 1 Bouncy seat. I have one from the Goose. She hated it. I’ll buy another if they both love it.
  • 1 Swing. We had a very old fashion seated one for the Goose. This time I have a cradle style that we bought used. My handy father took the tray off so they’ll snuggle in there together while they’re teeny tiny. If they both love it I’ll get a second. (Again, breaking safety rules, but before you have a heart attack, remember that this is cradle style, still has a harness, and isn’t exactly a theme park ride)
  • 1 moses basket. Ok, so i’m going to out myself on how anti-baby product industry I am. My plan was to have the cozied up together on the mats in the living rooms until they were ready for a crib. I would have had them directly in a crib but they’ll be sharing a room with the Goose (city living!) and can’t do that till they are sleeping through the night (more or less). So sleeping in the living room is where they will be. (I don’t co sleep because BK is a big tall guy with a loud snore and a tendency to sleep walk!) But my mama bought a moses basket for us that is a generous size and very lovely. It’ll be nice to move the sleeping babies in unison.
  • Cloth diapers. And some disposables for back up.
  • A small diaper bag. I don’t take my children camping when we go on outings so I need things for one or two diaper changes each and maybe a change of clothes.
  • Enough cloths for 1 week of laundry. Diapers need to be washed every week so that keeps us on schedule with weekly laundry (a perk of having a few dozen machines in the building). The Goose had a fancy wardrobe and was wearing dresses and tights before she was a week old. These little ones will be in sleepers until they’re 12.  The problem is not knowing how many I’ll need – 4 a day total? 6?
  • Flannel blankets. With the goose we went through these like water. Eventually I figured out that I could still use the blanket even if it had a bit of spit up on it. I think 3 a day will be enough.
  • Car seats. I totally resent buying caring seats when I don’t even own a car. I’m sure I’m not the only city dweller who feels this way, but what are you going to do?
  • Snowsuits. Winter babies after all.
  • A second bumbo. We have one from the Goose and LOVED it. It’s so great to to get to look your baby in the face and get them up off their backs for a bit.
  • Not new, but I couldn’t live without my sling when I had the goose and I think it’ll be the same with the boys. I sewed up a simple wrap sling and I have my pouch one from before.

Things that I will not purchase

  • Outfits, especially jeans. I sort of think babies who are dressed like adults look a bit creepy.
  • A baby bathtub. I have one of these but I don’t expect that I’ll use it. I’m not a daily baby bather and I like having babies come in the bath with me.
  • Breast pump. Too many twin mamas are encouraged to pump AND feed their two babies. The argument is that it will help build up adequate supply. I have a toddler-model (the Goose herself) so I won’t be feeding a plastic pump.
  • diaper genie or other pail. I use rubbermaid lock top bins for the cloth diapers. Dirty disposables go into the garbage can and down the garbage shoot.

UPDATE: Here’s how it actually played out . . .

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