The Before Kitchen

I don’t love my kitchen right now. I like it Ok, but I would really like to love it. It’s a rental so there isn’t much that I can/am willing to do. However, as far as rentals go its not bad. The cupboards and appliances are white and the counter is at least understated in its ugliness.

The kitchen is actually one of the rooms that I’m most pleased with myself in terms of decorating on a dime. I used paint we already had from an earlier apartment and decorated with things that I either got from my parent’s basement or that I had already. One of my favourite things is my freezer chest which is covered witha giant cutting board for extra counter space. The backsplash is a set of Ikea plastic placemats that I put up with 3m wall tape. The entire room ran about $50 when it was all said and done so for it’s worth . . .

Changing this room won’t cost much either. I plan to move in a bookshelf from the living room to give more storage and again to do a big decluttering. I hope that the white walls and orange backsplash will give it a clean and bright feel.

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